Talks from being a Latina in Tech, SRE in practice, to building reliable multi-cloud systems at scale.

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  • The Evolution of GameDays

    How does your team prepare for failure and learn from incidents? GameDays are a time to come together as a team and organization to explore failure and learn. This practice has been done across most industries, from fire departments to technology companies.

  • • 1/17/23

    Keptn Beyond 1.0: Sailing into the Future

    Keptn integrates with most of the great projects in the CNCF landscape (and beyond) that help teams to deliver and operate their cloud native workloads. The integration happens through open event standards (CloudEvents, CDEvents) which is why Keptn makes it easy to connect tools and orchestrate the application lifecycle regardless of your toolchains. What could make Keptn better? Upstreaming and generalizing the best of it!

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    • 1/16/23

    TECHNOLOchicas Chaos Engineer

    Want to have a positive impact in the world? Ana Medina has powerful advice to share with all girls that want to know if tech is right for them. Her story started with a simple spark, and this may be YOURS! Be sure to share this motivational video with all your friends and family.

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    Finding the Joy in Chaos Engineering

    Chaos Engineering lets you compare what you think will happen to what actually happens in your systems. You literally break things on purpose to learn how to build more reliable systems. Lenny Sharpe walks you through Chaos Engineering at Target, covering the tools and practices you need to implement Chaos Engineering with Kubernetes in your organization. Even if you’re already using Chaos Engineering, you’ll learn to identify new ways to use the practice to improve the reliability of your network and services. Ana Medina will share a demonstration of how you can practice Chaos Engineering on Kubernetes and use it to improve the reliability of your systems.

  • • 1/17/23

    Democracy & Technology: Responsible Products

    How can we advocate for more responsible technology that creates opportunities for all communities to partake in the socio-economic benefits of the innovation of this generation. This conversation is at the intersection of technology + community building, and ethical decisions throughout our careers.

  • What’s SRE All About?

    Ana Margarita Medina, a Staff Developer Advocate at Lightstep and Darko talk all things about SRE (Site Reliability Engineering) and DevOps. They discuss the finer topics of both and the differences between them.